oeh!, 2019, Camille Ghekiere (under thy skin collection)
(This is a short conversation between several people, held over a period of time.)
“I love your ambiguousness. I normally love things black or white, but here, I love your ambiguousness. It makes you interesting. Makes me want to glance at you, while capturing my own smile of embarrassment.”
“Please tell me what you want and where you want it. It’s just a flower, you know.”
“But we have never done that before.”
“Yes. Just tell me the truth, what are you afraid of?”
“I really don’t know, I find it disgusting.”
“It’s just me.”
“Yes, too much of you.”
“I will do it softly, in disguise, with some petals to cover up the harm.”
“Please don’t. I beg you. What will people say?”
“Probably nothing at all. That’s why I need to put it out there, to evoke the silence on their lips and caress their loss of weights, thrown in the water like a blooming rock.”
It’s all gonna be normal one day and then there will be other stuff.
Still from Anatomie de l’enfer, 2004, Catherine Breillat
pas mal, 2019, Camille Ghekiere (under thy skin collection)
cela dépend, 2019, Camille Ghekiere (under thy skin collection)
find my flower, 2019, Camille Ghekiere (under thy skin collection)